CSR Overview
Emart is a value-creating company striving for growth in local communities, and we will continue to fulfill our social responsibilities.
The four aspects of social responsibilities of Emart
Our declaration of CSR management
In 2013, we declared our paradigm of corporate management as a socially responsible management, and with our fundamental philosophy in contributing to economic growth through active hiring of our employees and growth of our businesses, we pledge to do our best in:• Conducting transparent and honest management according to laws and conscience.
• Making social contributions together by all of us working at Emart.
• Achieving mutual growth with our partner companies.
• Executing and delivering eco-friendly management while focused on future and environment.
Our directions in conducting socially responsible management
Proceed at the level that complies with global standards (ISO 26000)Environment
Develop eco-friendly stores, reduce greenhouse gas, and develop and encourage eco-friendly products.
Local Communities
Make core contributions to mutual growth with local communities through job creations and income.
Promote activities in protecting consumer rights and create environment with high trust.
Ownership Structure
Strengthen responsible management by each division while complying with business principles when working with partner companies.
Fair Trades
Contribute to fair trades and reinforce support in mutual growth with partner companies.
Human & Labor Rights
Comply with human rights and labor laws, expand hiring from underprivileged sector, and contribute to advanced welfare system.